Summer Reading list update!
Good evening Truth students, I pray that you all are healthy and safe. I hope you're enjoying your Summer reading; and may the messages from the Holy Spirit be realized and accepted into every area in your life where it's relevant. I'm halfway through my list; "The Yoga Discipline" - "The Husia" and "The Book of Coming Forth by Day" were three very thought driven reads, causing me to take a lot of time to digest, and reexamine just how this profound information is and will impact my life. The mind discipline that's taught in The Yoga Discipline can be applied to every area of your life because without discipline we'll have a wayward mind and make poor decisions; and the ancient readings from The Husia and The Book of Coming Forth by Day reminds our Spirit of its original strength, power and holiness.
Next on my list is The Lazarus Blueprint" by Mary Alice and Richard Jafolla, "Jesus the Egyptian" by Richard Gabriel and a second time read of "The Art of Spiritual Healing" by Joel Goldsmith. I've recently added "A Course in Miracles" by an associate recommendation and I'm happy to report that after reading 45 pages I'll be putting this book on hold until further notice, for reasons that I will explain in my next blog. In the meantime, I'm ready to dive into The Lazarus Blueprint and I look forward to discussing its effects in a few weeks. Don't forget to keep The Holy Bible as an ongoing reference to keep a healthy balance of information flowing into your Soul. Don't ever stop reading, learning and growing in Spirit - Sow Good Seed is here for you along the way. If you have any questions or comments please send me an email at
As always, be great today!
#godisallthereis #prayerandmeditation #sowgoodseed #omniscient #omnipotent #omnipresent #thankyoujesus
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