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Jesus Chooses the Revelations!

Writer's picture: Satori KenshoSatori Kensho

Updated: Nov 8, 2019

Bible Study tools says that the Bible defines Revelation as "the Supernatural communication of Truth to the mind; inspiration." And

defines Revelation as "something revealed or disclosed, especially a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized." The activity of the Holy Spirit is profound and in the process there are Revelations coming almost everyday; and these Revelations have been chosen by Jesus and they are being delivered by the Holy Spirit through: People (most times for me), dreams, visions, and in some cases the most ominous fashion. No fear tho, trust your gifts of discernment and don't worry about the messenger ( chances are he or she is not aware of the message anyway), just the message; God always confirms his Revelations through his spoken word- The Bible, and when God speaks it is done.

Matthew 11:27 (one of my Revelations) reads "All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him." Thank you my Lord and Savior for the Revelation of the Father and his many Gifts. Thank you for reminding me that because I'm joint heir with you, All things have been committed to me too. Thank you Holy Spirit for aligning my heart, mind, and Spirit to receive such Revelations, your timing is perfect as always, and thank you God for the marvelous gift of you, you are truly amazing!

Prayer and Meditation keeps you in alignment to receive God's Revelations, lets get started today! #godisallthereis #sowgoodseed #omniscient #omnipresent #omnipotent #thankyoujesus


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Ms. Deborah Francis, aka Satori Kensho, Mystic and Founder.  

   I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pa., and my Spiritual Journey began with my first encounter with the Holy Spirit at the age of 2, baptized and received Christ at the age of 8, and then again at the age of 42. I was raised a Christian, but I was a student of many religious beliefs. Curious to know how God was working through other religions, I've studied the Koran, Judaism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, Christian Science, and New Thought. I've also studied ancient texts such as the Kybalion, The Emerald Tablets of Hermes, and the Egyptian Book of the Dead. As a result of my studies, I rest in the teachings of Jesus Christ and acknowledge the Holy Trinity as governor of my life.

    I've practiced many forms of Meditation for over 25 years, and I've learned that we are Spirits having a human experience, and each Spirit is in a different phase or stage of its evolution. Sow Good Seed is here to assist you on your Spiritual journey!

 Thank you for visiting my website, and Be great today!


T: 215.384.8564

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