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Satori Kensho
Jun 27, 20211 min read
I love myself!
Here we are again the 27th day of the month. The day we celebrate ourselves by declaring the love for ourselves. Buy yourself some...
Satori Kensho
Jun 12, 20211 min read
God is always doing something Spectacular!
I believe the Creator of all things is still creating right now, and it's great and mighty - it's Spectacular! Take some time in your...
Satori Kensho
May 27, 20211 min read
I love myself!
It's the 27th day of the month and here at Sow Good Seed, this day is dedicated to reaffirming our self love. Please take some time to...
Satori Kensho
May 2, 20211 min read
Children's Book Drive!
Yesterday, May 1st we celebrated our first annual Children's Book Drive, and it was an awesome success! My daughter and I received 80...
Satori Kensho
Apr 27, 20211 min read
Happy 27th day of the month!
Here we are once again the 27th day of the month which is Sow Good Seed's official "I Love Myself Day!" Please take a moment and give...
Satori Kensho
Apr 1, 20211 min read
Pray in the Spirit!
Ephesians 6:18 "Pray in the Spirit at all times in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in...
Satori Kensho
Mar 27, 20211 min read
I love myself day!
Hello Truth students, it's the 27th of the month that means it's "I Love Myself Day!" I know you remember and declare this love every...
Satori Kensho
Mar 12, 20211 min read
Thought behind the thought!
Thank you Holy Spirit for your display of my heavenly riches as every thought behind the thought is recorded in your book of eternity....
Satori Kensho
Feb 27, 20211 min read
I Love Myself Day!
Ok, we love ourselves everyday but we are declaring this day to remind ourselves to think, speak, and show love towards ourselves. So...
Satori Kensho
Feb 15, 20211 min read
Mind exercise update
Good morning Truth students, how are you today? Did you meditate this morning? As you know I decided to do weekly updates on the 5-minute...
Satori Kensho
Feb 12, 20211 min read
Mind Exercise
Day 11 of the 5-minute mind exercise for 60 days. I'll do the mind exercise before bedtime to try something a little different. I'm...
Satori Kensho
Feb 11, 20211 min read
Mind Exercise
Day 10 of the 5-minute mind exercise for 60 days. Today I realized that I left out a very important part of the mind exercise, and that's...
Satori Kensho
Feb 10, 20211 min read
Mind Exercise
Day 9 of the 5-minute mind exercise for 60 days. Completed my mind exercise this morning filled with the hope of what's happening and...
Satori Kensho
Feb 9, 20211 min read
Day 8 of the 5-minute mind exercise for 60 days. I feel so inspired to do a lot of new and exciting things,but most important is to get...
Satori Kensho
Feb 7, 20211 min read
Mind Exercise
Hello and Happy Sunday! Today is Day 7 of the 5-minute mind exercise for 60days. I did not notice anything new but I remain in the...
Satori Kensho
Feb 1, 20211 min read
The Spirit knows everything!
There is an overwhelming peace that comes from the realization that God knows everything. I could stop there because nothing else is more...
Satori Kensho
Jan 9, 20212 min read
We have work to do; please pay attention to what truly matters!
We have a lot of work to do and the Father has prepared this time for us to get it done. Don't get caught up with the distractions of the...
Satori Kensho
Dec 28, 20202 min read
Pray to your troubles...huh?
As we approach a new calendar year I employ a lot of reflection during meditation, not to dwell on the past but to learn from it. I check...
Satori Kensho
Nov 26, 20201 min read
The Law trusts you!
The Laws that operates through everything trusts you and believes in everything you ask of it. We now know that we're asking of the Laws...
Satori Kensho
Nov 11, 20201 min read
Created in the image and likeness of God!
What a wonderful reminder about the goodness of God, taking the time to make us just like him/her. But how else can this Being create...
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